Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Beacon to the world keep shining on!

Today 22 years ago I took a big leap: I left my executive Senate job to come to the US for a doctorate. Since I was 11 y.o. I had been attracted by the words "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal..." A beacon to the world!

What a journey it's been. I am proud to pass on my passion for innovation, individual rights, civic duty, & spirit of self trust to reach and fulfill one's infinite potential to all hearing. 

A daughter starting college today, a doctorate and a Juris Doctor degrees later, having studied, lived, taught & led in 8 states & on US AFBs abroad, having influenced over 3700 students the best way I could, having learned a lot from all my teachers, students & friends everywhere, I'm building the next 22+ years of the journey. 

The future? Life is what you make of it: we'll make the best of it. We'll help all people learn to achieve their true potential, no matter what. Persuade. Litigate if we must. Globally! 

I am thankful to my adoptive country & hopeful for it too. America always had the endurance to do what counts moving forward, in spite of all barriers it faced. We'll keep charging ahead & lead the world. No doubt about it. Good spirit of 1492, 1776 & 1879 too (Standing Bear v Crook) lives on. Beacon keeps shining.

Thank you!

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.
Chief Future Architect, InnovationTrek
We got here. What's next?
Accelerate Innovation. 
In companies and self.
Grow flow. Naturally.

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