Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Two hundred and seventy three days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

This was last week, when we finished week 39. We've been very busy with #SaveYatesForOmaha and a few other ongoing projects taking first priority and thus the index of last week had to wait a week or so. Here it is, now:

267. Thank you!

268. Pioneer

269. Respect for one another 

270. Cherish help. Seek it. Nurture it. Respond to it in kind. Pass it on.

271. The trouble with thinking is that it's like an early Bugatti. "Once you get it to its incredible speed, how do you stop it?" (cca. 1909)

272. Beware majority

273. Calling

Our course is getting more and more in depth and it requires more and more detailed work from readers, aka learners. Remember I'm always available to help with a thought or analytical path or question you have and draft answer y'all are considering. Just email me and we'll schedule a live face to face conversation via Skype etc. 

Thank you!

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.

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