Monday, September 16, 2019

One hundred and ninety six days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

This week we started analyzing elements of thinking and elements of argument in the same way a native speaker starts studying grammar a few good years after they are fluent in the language. 

190. Misplaced trust

191. Club of Ignored

192. Adopt _and challenge_ classics

193. Elements of Thought 

194. Elements of Argument 

195. Grounds, Backings -> Warrants -> Claim, unless Rebuttals => Balancing for Soundness of Argument

196. Fallacy

There is a small inversion here between rebuttals and fallacies, and strength of argument, but it is intentional. 

We shall deal with rebuttals, and then with strength of arguments, and after that we shall start looking in more detail at fallacies. 

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.

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