Monday, March 25, 2019

Twenty-one days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

We are in week three of the little project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts. 

First week, March 4-10, 2019, we mentioned why and how teaching your child what you would like is protected under the Constitution in the US and is guaranteed at least from 1923 onwards, inasmuch as we rarely realize it, know it, or value it and enforce it as much as we should. 

Second week, March 11-17, 2019, we showed how the today ubiquitous aerodynamic personal vehicle was really a Romanian invention since 1923. We leave it to the reader to figure out why it matters, from a curiosity and openminded-ness perspective. 

This third week, March 18-24, we let the reader find something just as important from as early as 1923 and in the spirit of self reliance get back to us with the example they found. Why is the example chosen important in using or developing critical thinking?

The concepts we introduced were:

15. Deduction

16. Inertia 

17. Interest

18. Imagination 

19. Deep

20. Debate

21. Self-reliance

Get back to us. What do you think about the project? Can you see how the concepts intertwine already? What should we improve? What's next? Let us know!

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.
Chief Future Architect, InnovationTrek
We got here. What's next?
Accelerate Innovation. 
In companies and self.
Grow flow. Naturally.

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