As we completed the project right on time, we filed for the election for Nebraska State Board of Education. Shortly, the pandemic reached Fremont Nebraska. This week we the community finally got Yates to build there Yates Illuminates, a community center for everyone. We get to index the last week of our project now. Soon we'll produce the printed version of the one year critical thinking axiomatic project.
The following project, that we started the very next day after finishing this project, we kept running for a month and then we decided to move it into a partnership on video with a friend. More will follow on that. Now that we have Yates we will most likely build a studio there and YouTube the project on parenting for liberty.
365. We started a new project on parenting for liberty.
364. Serve on the ALTAR of Science.
363. Hedge.
362. Try to get your message across by persuading. Try harder. Even harder. With patience and endurance and resilience. Then again, _sue_ if you must.
361. Whatever you think you are doing well, an elder will know (or once knew) how to do better. Or to not do at all.
Choose your friends with wisdom.
360. No matter how cool you think you are you're merely opening doors to others who'll come after you and who may and will not even remember you ever existed. Keep opening them doors anyway. No matter what.
359. Always beware those who think and act as in "We looked out the window from up there, and we thought, 'We're the cleverest of all, geniuses, and you're all stupid.'" They will always be caught eventually, and they will pay for their deeds. No question about it.
Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.
"I have learned the novice can often see things that the expert overlooks. All that is necessary is to not be afraid of making mistakes or appearing naive." Abraham Maslow (1908-70)
"Cogito, ergo sum" (Rene Descartes, 1596-1650)
"Who is John Galt?"