Monday, September 23, 2019

Two hundred and three days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

As we write these words a teenager addresses the United Nations about climate change and how adults across the globe are stealing her future with inaction and empty words.

I'm not that much of a fan of government intervention and more taxation. I obviously prefer action by well educated citizenry. Yet, I remember promoting applied science in my high school when I was fourteen, four decades ago, on a solar energy used in the household project, and getting the attention of my teacher, then winning the municipal research competition, and going to nationals, and being completely ignored when upon return from nationals my teacher and I went to administration with a draft MoU with the university so it sponsors research for high schoolers on renewable energy.

Forty years passed and curriculums did not change at all. There or here or anywhere.

It is just as if the folks owning the liveries and the gas lighting companies simply own all politicians everywhere. Didn't we see this happen before?

Remember our fundamental question: "of what is this a case?" and use it always when you are trying to make sense of anything. 

With that in mind, let's see how we addressed fallacies:

197. Strength of Argument

201. A journey of a thousand miles is made of putting one step in front of another. Again and again.

202. Under - Average - Above 

203. Marlboro Man, or
Beware Influencers

If we learned anything, it is that fallacies are all around us and we simply love to adopt them without having a clue that we are simply "thinking" and acting at their mercy. 

Can we put a stop to it? 

Let's go back and read again things we introduced before the last two weeks and let's see how we feel now. 

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

It was our park. The government came and took it away.

Monday, September 16, 2019

One hundred and ninety six days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

This week we started analyzing elements of thinking and elements of argument in the same way a native speaker starts studying grammar a few good years after they are fluent in the language. 

190. Misplaced trust

191. Club of Ignored

192. Adopt _and challenge_ classics

193. Elements of Thought 

194. Elements of Argument 

195. Grounds, Backings -> Warrants -> Claim, unless Rebuttals => Balancing for Soundness of Argument

196. Fallacy

There is a small inversion here between rebuttals and fallacies, and strength of argument, but it is intentional. 

We shall deal with rebuttals, and then with strength of arguments, and after that we shall start looking in more detail at fallacies. 

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.

Monday, September 9, 2019

One hundred and eighty nine days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

Alright, all y'all little red foxes out there, listen up: you're past the middle of the railroad bridge. The hound of stupidity running after you will never catch you now anymore. You'll keep running over the bridge towards your goal and safety of thinking well while he and his ignorance and ignorant attacks at your intelligence will simply fall in the water, hurt by his own stupidity and inattentive behavior. 

183. Love-Hate. Cross reference [17.] Interest

184. It could be you 

185. Timelessness 

186. Touch

187. Model Live

188. Seek and nurture perfection. Let it reel you in.

189. Invincible

Enough pep talk. We were supposed to reason intuitively many a time so far. We asked for homework to be done. We did some. We used examples. We asked questions. 

We were supposed to do it without the lessons of how to and without the structured teaching and learning that happens in schools of foreign languages across the world. Because learning a language by immersion is how we learn as children. Learning by copying what we see happening around us and mirroring that which we see is how we've always learned in nature. How every baby of every species always learned from its parents. It comes naturally. And it always works. 

As humans though, we develop the abilities of abstraction and we develop more than mere natural occurrence type of learning. Now we will start introducing that. We feel we prepared everyone so far. 

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

One hundred and eighty two days in the project #CriticalThinking in 365 concepts

Twenty six weeks. Six months. Half a year. Remember how much growth you experienced in your first half year of your life? Of course we don't. But we can ask our parents to explain it to us. We can watch and nurture our newborns grow and figure it all out. Ah, that wait. Until another six month or so later they stand up and they say their first words. And then it happens. All we'll do from that one year mark onward will be to tell them: "Sit down. Shut up!" so then the schools do the same. Why do we then wonder why is that all too few of us grow to think critically for ourselves?

176. When humor is not nothing is!

177. Name Five!

178. Coffee (Jet Lag, Livery, Tax...)

179. Cybernetics

180. Sense opportunity when it knocks

181. Failure 

182. Reddy Fox 🦊
Always finish _all_ that you started
Learn it now, benefit from it later

Congratulations to all those who read this every day. One more half to go. Imagine yourselves at the other end of the bridge now standing up and speaking!;) Not letting anyone to tell you to shut up and sit down. And not letting anyone anymore to infuse themselves and their thoughts into your brain or to borrow your mouth to speak their own faulty thoughts with your voice. 

Good perseverance ahead! Keep it up. 

To those who joined us after March 4, 2019, please start from the beginning. Believe it or not, there is a method to this madness. We've tested it for over two decades and we've learned it from the best and we're improving on it. You can do it. Good luck. Let us know how we can help. 

Adrian S. Petrescu, Ph.D., J.D.